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Equine Assisted Guidance seminars in management performance


"Mutual trust, a key stone to collective perfomance"

When you're organising your next business or team seminar, whether it be for your business club, your professional association, your Board of Management or your whole organisation...

you would like the event to be memorable, you would like to really experience the benefits of a relationship of mutual trust, to test in real life, with your colleagues, a different vision of leadership and management...


Get down to some real practical work, far removed from mere theories and concepts !


Horses & Coaching seminars

  • After an informative introduction, followed by a demonstration, each participant has the opportunity of working with a horse, under the watchful eye of the Horses and Coaching consultant. They have to communicate directives to the horse, and can appreciate, in real time, the quality and effectiveness of their communication
  • Individual and group actions and interactions are observed and commented on throughout the session. Each participant analyses what they experienced
  • The Horses & Coaching consultant guides the participants in the transposition of what they experienced with regard to its impact on their professional life
  • Activites and comments/analysis are used to create an 'active metaphor' on the relationship with others in the management context

    How ?

    The experience can be shared, without reserve, by groups from 4 to 100 people !

    With our team of bilingual Horses & Coaching experts and the necessary installation, chosen and organised in accordance with the size of each group...

    Your coaches :

    Béatrice Simkins, Guillaume Antoine, Laura Simkins and the horses, in English and wherever you are...

    Together with the extended team Horses & Coaching when the number of participants makes this necessary.

  • No physical aptitude needed (you don't get on the horse !)
  • No prior knowledge of horses (you're working on yourself, not the horse !)
  • And if you're afraid.....that's OK too !!